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//! Timers that can invoke a callback on an interval. use widget_prelude::*; use ::callback::Callback; /// A timer that can invoke a callback on a configurable interval. /// /// ##Note: Not a Renderable Widget /// While this type can be dereferenced and converted to `BaseWidget`, it is *not* a renderable /// widget and adding it to a container will have no visual effect. /// /// ##Note: Resource Usage /// This struct should be freed by calling `.destroy()` on it when it is no longer in use to free /// any resources it has allocated. Otherwise, it will be freed when `kiss_ui::show_gui()` returns. pub struct Timer(IUPPtr); impl Timer { /// Create a new timer with a default interval. /// /// TODO: Document default interval. pub fn new() -> Timer { unsafe { let ptr = ::iup_sys::IupTimer(); Self::from_ptr(ptr) } } /// Set the timer interval in milliseconds. pub fn set_interval(self, time: u32) -> Self { self.set_int_attribute(::attrs::TIME, time as i32); self } /// Set a callback to be invoked when the timer interval elapses. /// The callback will be invoked on every interval until `.stop()` is called. pub fn set_on_interval<Cb>(self, on_interval: Cb) -> Self where Cb: Callback<Self> { callback_impl! { ::attrs::ACTION_CB, self, on_interval, Timer } self } /// Start the timer. The callback will be invoked when the next interval elapses. pub fn start(self) -> Self { self.set_bool_attribute(::attrs::RUN, true); self } /// Stop the timer. The callback will not be invoked until the timer is restarted. pub fn stop(self) -> Self { self.set_bool_attribute(::attrs::RUN, false); self } } impl_widget! { Timer, "timer" } impl Destroy for Timer {}